Friday, November 9, 2012

Exercise Duration and Intensity

Remember that exercise duration refers to the amount of time in an exercise session that aerobic conditioning is occurring. Exercise intensity measures the workload or how hard the heart is working. The most common way of increasing aerobic exercise intensity is to increase the speed at which the activity is performed. For instance, walking faster or jogging can increase a walker's exercise intensity. Another way to increase intensity is to increase the number of muscles you're using. For example, playing basketball uses both upper and lower body muscles.

The client looking to improve her level of physical fitness will benefit most from a high-intensity workout. High-intensity aerobic workouts and low-impact aerobic classes improve both cardiovascular and respiratory function as well as increase muscle fiber use. Clients focusing more on the health benefits they can receive from exercise gain the most from moderate-intensity workouts done for a longer duration.

Moderate- intensity workouts, such as brisk walking, provide health benefits including lowered blood pressure, reduced body fat, improved psychological health , and a reduced risk of heart disease and other diseases.

There are many methods of preparing a competitive athlete for his or her sport. One such method is called tapering.Tapering reduces training intensity and duration as the competition day approaches while focusing on competitive technique and nutritional therapy that allow for peak performance. Tapering allows glycogen stores to be replenished and tissue repair to occur, and it keeps the athlete focused on the upcoming competition.

Exercise Frequency

You already know that exercise frequency refers to how many time each week the client performs the aerobic activity . Training too frequently can increase a client's chance of injury, while training too infrequently can hinder the client's fitness progress. Most effective cardiorespiratory programs require the client to exercise at least three days a week with no more than two days between exercise sessions.

There are several  factors the personal fitness trainer must consider when deciding what a client's exercise frequency should be . Clients who are new to exercise generally require more recovery time between exercise sessions than more experienced exercisers from 36 to 48 hours between workouts is sufficient.

Exercise done at a high intensity and for longer durations also calls for a longer recovery period than those exercises performed at a lower intensity for less time.

When a client is a competitive athlete, training frequency must be varied depending on the sport season and competition times. During the off season, an athlete may exercise frequently in a different manner or choose to train infrequently to give his body a rest. The preseason often calls for the athlete to train daily or even multiple times per day, while training should be scaled back on days prior to competition once the sport's season begins. As a beginning personal fitness trainer, you probably won't work much with competitive athletes, as working with such clients often requires specialized training.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nutrition and Weight Loss

To reduce overall body weight, a negative energy balance is necessary.Advising a client to reduce the number of calories he consumes is a key factor in producing a negative energy balance.It is a mistake to think that clients automatically will make healthful changes to their diet when they begin exercising.In fact, studies show that health behaviors such as exercise involvement and healthy eating tend to be unrelated,and many people continue unhealthy eating despite participation in an exercise program.

Obesity Issues

You know that obesity puts a client at a higher risk for several health conditions. Therefore, it is essential that the personal fitness trainer asks clients to obtain physician clearance.Besides the health risks that obese clients face, these individuals also may encounter greater difficulties in engaging in exercise as a result of their body size.Obese clients often have decreased joint range of motion and are more likely to suffer from joint trauma during activity.By making exercise modifications the personal fitness trainer can increase client comfort. For instance,if a client's body size prevents him from using certain resistance machines comfortably, the personal fitness trainer can employ hand weights, rubber tubing, or medicine balls as an alternative source of resistance.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Amazing Secret 10,206 Bodybuilders Have Used To Help Transform Their Physiques and Save Over $650,000.00 in the Process!

Dear Friend,
If you committed to building a better body, this may be one of the most important letter you will ever read.
You see, I,m really,really committed to building a better body (and I bet you are too) . That's why it's so important that you and I take the science of sports nutrition very seriously. This is also why I'm obsessed with teaching you the straight scoop about exercise, nutrition, and proper supplementation. You'll never hear me preaching ridiculous hype and outright BS (like many unscrupulous companies do ).I'm never going to tell you supplements can melt mountains of fat overnight or build giant muscles the size of a house while you sleep.The truth is Transforming your Physique take Enormous Mental and Physical Strength!

It can be downright hard work! This is why it takes a special type of person with the right information to achieve Killer results. There is no magic bullet that will turn anyone into a Greek God (or Goddess) overnight. So, I'm suspicious of companies that make it sound too easy, and you should be too .But the good news is, I'm absolutely convinced high-quality supplements can give a tremendous advantage, when you combine them with good nutrition, regular workouts, and an intense desire to succeed.

Study After Study Support the power of Supplements!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Eating right

Combination of eating right and working out regularly is a great method to lose weight and help prevent heart disease.A crash diet slows down your metabolic rate. When this happens, your body will store energy instead of burning it and you will actually gain weight.

Brisk Walking

2.5 Hours a week of moderate intensity aerobic activity,such as brisk walking can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Don't Just Sit There !

Our bodies are meant to move. You don't have to be an expert in human anatomy to see that the muscles and joints of the human body are put together so that it can bend, stretch, jump, and run. So why is it so hard for most of us to get on that treadmill or bike and exercise each day? When it comes to our bodies and muscles, the saying, Use it or lose it really applies.By failing to use our bodies, we allow our muscles to weaken and our joints to become stiff. Then, when we try to start an exercise routine, our bodies resist the sudden extra force. And this isn't just physically discouraging. Mentally, someone who tries to exercise and finds it too difficult or painful will be quick to pick up a defeated attitude.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


As the name of this muscle suggests, the supinator does just that it supinates the forearm tor is a deep muscle under all the long muscles of the forearm, between the radius and the ulna, so it's often difficult to isolate and feel.

Biceps Brachii

In addition to its role as a major muscle in shoulder and elbow flexion, the biceps is the primary muscle involved in supination of the forearm. Contracting the biceps with its insertion into the radius at the inner elbow causes both the elbow to flex and the forearm region to supinate or turn palm up.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weight Belts

Weight belts support the lower back while the athlete is lifting a heavyweight. Though many opt not to use them, when used correctly, they can help prevent injuries. Weight belts also take some of the stress off of the abdominal muscles which is not a good thing if you're trying to train abdominal muscles and build core strength.

Weight belts aren't necessary if the athlete is using a very light load, they also aren't necessary for for exercises that don't put stress on the lower back,such as biceps curls, or for the casual lifter trying to improve his wellness.

One of the benefits of helping people improve their fitness levels is that you'll have the opportunity to work with a variety of different people. Some people will rely on you to motivate them, some to educate them, and some to monitor their form or progress. Sometimes, you'll work with people who have special medical conditions or who are at a special time in their lives. These groups of people are called special populations.

When you work with people with special medical conditions, you'll be part of their health care team. Their physician may prescribe physical therapy, occupational therapy,and special diet consultations. Massage therapists also can be part of this team. As you work with a member of a special population, you'll need to stay in touch with that person's physician and the other team members to be sure you're working appropriately with that person.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Social Relationships

A person who is mentally healthy is more likely to develop and maintain healthy social relationships. As humans, we are social creatures, and we require social support. Healthy relationships between adults are marked by mutual respect, love, and support for one another. Strong and rewarding relationships can fulfill a person's social needs while improving self image and mental health

All You Do Is Tal !

It's important for your clients to monitor their bodies as they challenge them, just as you do. How do you feel just before exercise ? How do you feel just after ? How do you feel after the warm up portion of your workout but before the cardio part of your exercise regime ? How do you feel on a rest day?The medical profession uses a numbered scale to try to quantify levels of pain, with 10 being unbearable pain and 0 being no pain at all. Assigning numbers to the level of discomfort experienced may be beneficial to you and your clients.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Just Sit There!

Our bodies are meant to move. You don't have to be an expert in human anatomy to see that the muscles and joints of the human body are put together so that it can bend, stretch, jump, and run. So why is it so hard for most of us to get on that treadmill or bike and exercise each day? When it comes to our bodies and muscles, the saying, Use it or lose it really applies. By failing to use our bodies, we allow our muscles to weaken and our joints to become stiff. Then, when we try to start an exercise routine, our bodies resist the sudden extra force. And this isn't just physically discouraging. Mentally , someone who tries to exercise and finds it too difficult or painful will be quick to pick up a defeated attitude.

Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart disease comes in many forms and causes more deaths each year than any other disease. More women die of heart disease each year than all types of cancer combined, yet many women don't think they are at risk. Much of what contributes to heart disease is a direct result of our modern lifestyle. Recent studies show that trans fat, which is found in most prepackaged and boxed foods, is as dangerous to heart health as the saturated fat found in animal products. Stress, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and high blood pressure all are risk factors for heart disease.

The same risk factors that contribute to heart disease also can cause a stroke. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or ruptures, cutting off blood supply to part of the brain.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bone Tissue

Much like the skin,bone tissue is made up of layers, like an onion.The solid, outermost layer of bone tissue is termed compact bone.It is made up of cells called osteocytes. The innermost, center part of bone tissue is hollow and is called the marrow cavity.The tissue that lies between the outer compact bone and the inner marrow is called cancellous bone.

Using Energy How Do Muscles Do It ?

When you exercise aerobically, your muscles have the energy to contract because ATP is present in your system.You can keep going comfortable as long as your body can keep up.When you exert your muscles for a high intensity activity, such as lifting a weight for a very short time, your muscle is tired because the cells run out of ATP at the part of the muscle that controls muscle contraction. The fibers of the muscle have no energy and can't contract. When you exercise heavily for a longer period of time the muscles get tired because lactic acid, a byproduct of anaerobic methods for producing energy, accumulates in them.Usually, any excess lactic acid that your body produces while exercising clears from the muscles within about an hour after you stop.Some of the lactic acid is metabolized in the muscle cell, and some goes to the liver. Your clients muscles may be tired and feel sore while exercising because this  lactic acid is irritating nerve endings, but they will feel better later.When you exercise for an hour or longer, the fatigue your muscles feel is from the lack of glycogen. Glycogen is glucose in its stored from, and you probably remember learning about glycogen and its importance to the body in lesson 6. If you've tried an endurance activity, such as running a marathon, and hit the wall you've experienced glycogen depletion. You may have plenty of oxygen in your system, but without glycogen, it doesn't matter.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eating Well To Get and Stay Healthy

Eating the right foods at the right times also plays an important role in determining a person's mood and energy level. Low blood sugar results from failing to eat enough of the right foods or waiting too long between meals.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dangers of Steroid Use

While the relationship between steroid use and performance enhancement is questionable at best, the negative side effects that users experience are well established. A woman who uses steroids develops physical male traits such as a deeper voice, loss of breast tissue and menstrual cycles, male pattern baldness, and increased facial hair. Some of these changes that take place with steroid use may not be reversible even after  the substances are stopped.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Machines Must Be Cleaned Before And After All Users

Exercise machines must be cleaned because they can hold germs and bacteria.
And machines need to be inspected weekly for any signs of wear and tear.Guide rods on machines should be both cleaned and lubricated two to three times a week, depending on the frequency of equipment use. Also check to ensure that machines are free from loose bolts, cables, and screws. If parts of the machine become worn or stick out making them an injury hazard they should be replaced. Inspect weights for cracks and upholstered surfaces for tears. The pins commonly used to hold weights in place are easily lost, so it's a good idea to keep extras in stock. Finally, check that chains, cables, and pulleys are properly aligned.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dual Relationships

As your build your career, it make sense to look to your Friends, family, neighbors, and other you know for clients. After all , you already know these people, and you have established a basic level of trust with them.However, working with people you already know can be problematic. At some point you might find it difficult to juggle the dual roles as in the example above of personal fitness trainer and neighbor.A relationship that extends beyond the limits of the professional interaction is called a dual relationship. Your client may be someone you go to basketball games with or someone with whom your wife owns a company. Your client might be the mother of your son's girlfriend. These are all examples of dual relationships. Some professionals say it's important to avoid dual relationships with clients. However, unless you live in a huge metropolitan area and can build your client base by working with people you otherwise never see, you are likely to have some dual relationships with your clients. So it;s probably more realistic to learn how to manage them. To manage dual relationships, it's important to understand your boundaries.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Take a Deep Breath and Relax

Breathing technique is a very important yet commonly overlooked factor when it comes to stretching success. To understand why and how we breathe while stretching you first must learn what deep breathing does within the muscle itself. Remember how muscle spindles encourage muscle contraction as a means of protecting the tissue from harm that could occur during a stretch? Well, this contraction does serve an important protective function to the muscle, it also prevents the ROM gains a flexibility program aims to achieve.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun With Fitness Balls

One of the most popular pieces of equipment on the fitness scene in recent years is the balance ball. Balance balls require core stabilization and are used to perform a variety of exercises working different muscle groups by sitting on it, lying on it,or using it between your legs.It's very light weight and comes in a variety of sizes to accommodate different leg lengths.

Simply sitting on a balance ball while using dumbbells, bands, or tubes forces an individual to employ more muscles and offers clients a more challenging workout. Some personal fitness trainers even design whole workouts using a balance ball, allowing clients to exercise in the comfort of their own homes.

A second type of ball used during resistance training is the medicine ball. Medicine balls come in a variety of sizes and weights and can be Incorporated into a workout in countless ways.Clients can hole medicine balls also can be caught and thrown to boost upper body strength. Twists and jumps using a medicine ball are additional common and effective exercises.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Special Conditions and Diseases

People of all ages have health problems that can require certain adaptations.Typically as a beginning personal fitness trainer, you won't be working with clients who have these conditions, but you still should be aware of them. In each of the cases that follow, be sure to have a physician clear the patient for exercise. Here's a quick summary of special considerations for each of these conditions.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Initial Conditioning Stage

The first four to six weeks of an exercise program are the initial conditioning stage.It is best to have clients in this stage exercise at a relatively low intensity to help them avoid the muscle soreness, discomfort, and discouragement that may accompany intense physical exercise. As a client progresses through this stage, the frequency, intensity, and duration of workouts can be increased gradually.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Choose Your Food

And check with your airline in advance to see if food is being offered .If given enough time, the airline can prepare a special high carbohydrate, low fat meal that would fit into any athlete's training plan.However, it is still a good idea for athletes to have pre packed snack foods available just in case.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Creatine Supplement

Some young athletes now use creatine, a supplement that claims to improve athletic performance.Creatine use is not recommended in individuals younger than the age of 18. Likewise, young athletes should be cautioned against using amino acid supplements because the long term effects of these on growth and development are not known.Furthermore, these supplements increase an athlete's risk of dehydration. If 15 to 20 percent of a young athlete's diet is protein, he or she will have more than enough to aid in the repair and maintenance of bone and muscle tissue.Educating young athletes regarding supplement use and keeping them properly fueled and hydrated are the first steps to ensuring their safety in and enjoyment of an active lifestyle.

Activity Level

A second process that requires energy is physical activity.The energy a person requires to support his physical activity is calculated as a percentage of his resting metabolism needs.For example, an inactive person who sits most of the day and is on his feet or moving slowly less than a total of two hours will need approximately 30 percent of his resting metabolism expenditure to support his activity level.

People who walk or stand for two to four hours during an average day but do no strenuous activity need 50 percent of their resting metabolism for activity, while those who engage in four or more hours of physical activity each day require 75 percent.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Water Weight

Water weight is the percentage of body weight made up of water .Water make up more than 75 percent of your body without enough water, your digestive system doesn't work smoothly, and you blood doesn't flow properly.In a typical day, you lose about 10 cups of water from your system through sweating, evaporation, breathing, and waste removal.Food contains some water, but you still need to drink about eight cups of water a day. As you exercise, your rate of water loss goes up, and, therefore, so does your body's need for water.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Muscle Fiber Types

Our muscles are composed of two main fiber types.The first type of muscle fiber is referred to as slow  twitch fibers and is used heavily during aerobic activity activities that use oxygen and can be sustained for a fairly long period of time.Slow twitch muscle fibers have a large number of mitochondria.Remember, it is those mitochondria that let them generate ATP so efficiently.This, in turn,lets slow twitch muscle fibers fuel the repeated muscle contractions that are used in aerobic activities.Examples of aerobic activity include biking, swimming laps,and jogging.The second main type of muscle fiber is called fast twitch fibers.Fast Twitch Fibers are better suited for anaerobic exercises that require short bursts of intense activity.This is because they don't contain the amount of mitochondria that slow twitch fibers do,so they aren't as efficient when it comes to generating ATP.Remember, anaerobic activities are performed with insufficient oxygen, and examples include power lifting and short sprints.

Bone Tissue

Much like the skin, bone tissue is made up of layers, like an onion.The solid, outermost layer of none tissue is termed compact bone.It is made up of cells called osteocytes.The innermost, center part of bone tissue is hollow and is called the marrow cavity.The tissue that lies between the outer compact bone and the inner marrow is called cancellous bone.

Plantar Flexion Of The Ankle

Plantar Flexion is the movement at the ankle joint that occurs when the toe is pointed.For instance, when the foot is stepping on an accelerator pedal in a car, the ankle is in a plantar flexion movement.Ballerinas and gymnasts frequently have their feet in a plantar flexion movement.

Range of Motion or Rom

There are two types of ROM.Active ROM is a motion you can do yourself just by telling yourself to do it.For instance,you know your favorite book is at the top of the stairs, so you decide to walk up them to get your book.For people with unrestricted ROM,this movement requires only the thought and initiative to move one foot in front of the other.

Passive ROM,on the other hand, occurs when someone or something else move a joint.For example, you can bend your wrist backwards by telling yourself to perform this active ROM.However, if you apply pressure to further hyperextend the wrist, you are performing a passive ROM that cannot be achieved without the added pressure of your other hand.

The interaction between synovial joints and muscles is what allows us to dance, play, work,and even bend over to pick up a penny! When ROM is restricted, people's lives are restricted.Helping to restore a person's ROM and therefore improve the quality of his or her life can be a big part of the satisfaction of being a personal fitness trainer.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Swimming and Water Exercise

Swimming and other water based aerobic activities provide excellent benefits for people who have joint problems or who have been injured doing some other activity.This is because the water buoyancy allows for free movement without the hindrance and extra stress of body weight.Swimming requires greater skill than some other sports, however,water exercise usually is performed while the body is upright in the water,requires relatively little skill, and can provide an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mind Over Matter

Sports psychology is a growing field that studies the relationship between an athlete's psychological state and her physical performance.Many of the ideas that sports psychologists use also can be applied to the work of personal fitness trainers and nutritional specialists.Clients who are happy, feel positive toward their fitness plan,and can be open with their trainer are much more likely to achieve their fitness goals.Simply going through the motions of a wellness program is not nearly as effective as engaging both the mind and body in a healthy lifestyle.personal fitness trainers can teach their clients to view the mind as another body part that, when exercised daily, contributes greatly to their overall fitness success.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Using Fats, Carbohydrates, and Proteins

Aerobic activity burns primarily carbohydrates and fats to produce ATP.Except in long term starvation or extra long endurance activities, protein isn't metabolized significantly.You learned this in Lesson 6 .However, the human body is one efficient machine.It adjusts to take advantage of the available sources of energy.

Friday, January 27, 2012

High Blood Pressure

Often is called the silent killer because many people don't even know they have it.This disease claims many lives in the United States each year.Some factors that put one at risk for high blood pressure are not within a person's control.These include age,race,heredity,and gender .Risk factors that can be controlled include obesity, alcohol use, sodium intake,oral contraceptive use, stress, and physical inactivity.High blood pressure puts people at risk for heart attack, stroke,and kidney failure.Medication often is used to control high blood pressure, but people also can lower blood pressure through lifestyle adjustments, just as Robert did.