Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun With Fitness Balls

One of the most popular pieces of equipment on the fitness scene in recent years is the balance ball. Balance balls require core stabilization and are used to perform a variety of exercises working different muscle groups by sitting on it, lying on it,or using it between your legs.It's very light weight and comes in a variety of sizes to accommodate different leg lengths.

Simply sitting on a balance ball while using dumbbells, bands, or tubes forces an individual to employ more muscles and offers clients a more challenging workout. Some personal fitness trainers even design whole workouts using a balance ball, allowing clients to exercise in the comfort of their own homes.

A second type of ball used during resistance training is the medicine ball. Medicine balls come in a variety of sizes and weights and can be Incorporated into a workout in countless ways.Clients can hole medicine balls also can be caught and thrown to boost upper body strength. Twists and jumps using a medicine ball are additional common and effective exercises.

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