drinking a lot of coffee hot liquids and caffeine can irritate the lining of the digestive tract and interfere with food adsorption
drinking a lot of alcohol it affects how the body adsorbs and metabolizes nutrients
smoking it irritates the digestive tract and increases the need for Vitamin C
fad dieting eliminating all protein,all carbohydrates, or all fats from the diet can cause a serious lack of some Vitamins
Vegetarianism a balanced diet without any meat or meat products requires a lot of planning and skill to avoid deficiencies in Vitamin B12
food allergies allergies to gluten or the condition of lactose intolerance often mean the body can't digest important sources of thiamine, riboflavin, and calcium
stress emotional and physical stress can increase the body's need for B and C vitamins; air pollution can increase your body's need for supplements with Vitamin E
PMS the irritability,bloating,headaches,lethargy,and depression improves in as many as 60 percent of affected women when they take Vitamin B6
lack of sunlight those who live in the North or work nights may not get enough Vitamin D,which is required for metabolizing calcium.